Dental Implants: Important Things to Know

Dental Implants: Important Things to Know

To smile and shine you must have healthy and shining teeth. A loss of a tooth feels like a loss of confidence. Don’t let this happen to you.

Dental implants help people to get a complete smile. Sometimes we can meet with an accident or some cases lead to the loss of a tooth. In that case, to restore or replace the damaged tooth dental implants come to support.

Dental Implants: What They Are?

Dental implants are titanium posts that are placed into the jawbone using surgical methods. This procedure is done to replace the missing tooth and restore the ability to chew.

Dental implants can be used to replace a single tooth, or several or all the teeth in a jaw. They can also be used to give support to removable or fixed dentures.

Dental Implants: Who Are Suitable Candidates?

If you have lost a tooth because of an injury or any disease then you will find dental implants worthy. Dental implants may not be suitable for some people including:

  • If you are younger than 18 years old.
  • If you are having gum disease.
  • If you have a lot of cavities.
  • People who have poor oral hygiene are not ideal candidates for dental implants.
  • People who are facing bone loss in the jaw are not suitable ones.

Now the question must have risen in your mind “Who is suitable for dental implants?” Let us answer this question.

An ideal candidate for dental implants is:

  • A person who has good general and oral health can be suitable for getting dental implants.
  • Patients whose gums are free of any gum disease are the ideal ones.
  • Whose jawbone has enough bone density can be considered the ideal one because it can provide better support to the implant.
  • A patient must be mentally prepared to get a dental implant because this is a surgical procedure. You must be aware of the fact that every surgical procedure comes up with some risks involved.

Talking about risks, let us discuss some risks involved in dental implant procedures.

Dental Implants: Risks Involved

Like every other surgical procedure, dental implants also have risks but they can be minor and treated easily. Some of the risks are:

Structural Damage

Implant can cause affect to the nearby tooth, blood vessels or the jawbone. This is a rare case that a dental implant can cause structural damage because dental implants are generally safe and effective.

Delay In Healing

Smoking can highly affect the healing process. It can cause a delay in wound healing and affect the implant. This can lead to a reduction in the implant’s survival rate.

Implant Failure

Not listening to dental specialist’s instructions and attending follow-up appointments can affect the whole procedure. If your specialist recommends avoiding biting or chewing for a certain time then you must listen to them.

Follow-up appointments are necessary because dental professionals will keep a keen eye on your implant and how it is performing. Specialists will make changes on time if necessary.

Other Side-Effects

Sometimes people find it difficult to clean around the area of dental implants which leads to poor oral health. You can ask your specialist for advice. Sometimes pain and numbness can be felt. It can be managed well with the right care.

Dental Implants: Benefits

Here are many benefits of dental implants. Take a look:

Improved Functioning

Loss of a tooth can cause chewing or biting problems. Dental implants can restore the damaged tooth and give you back the ability to chew or bite. Dental implants give a natural appearance and work similarly to natural teeth so you don’t have to worry about functioning and appearance.

Improved Oral Health

While keeping the nearby teeth stable, dental implants help in preserving the health of gums and jawbone.

Get Back Confidence

Loss of a tooth feels like loss of confidence but now no more worry about that because dental implants are the solution to your problems. Get back confidence and improved functioning with restored teeth.

Sunshine smile and a better look are your right don’t let a damaged tooth steal this from you.

Speech Improvement

Loss of a tooth can cause issues in speech. Improve your speech in public and be confident about your personality with the help of dental implants.


Dental implants are worth it to get a complete smile back and improve the functioning and appearance of oral health. Loss of a tooth can be a tragic thing but with dental implants, this tragedy can be converted into confidence for a long time.

Check the dental implant cost in Chennai and get started with the procedure. No longer wait for the treatment as immediate dental implants can be the one for you. So, what are you waiting for?

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Shiva Ram is a SEO Copywriter, Content Creator and he is specialized in Digital Marketing. He had the interest to write content related to technology, Business, Apps, Digital Marketing and many more.